hey there >///<

Tuesday, March 14, 2017 | 0 comments
I've always believed that when people want something badly enough, they would go the extra mile for it. (no matter what) Be it being there for a person, when you like someone enough, etc etc.

Which brings me to the next thing - missing someone in your life.
I guess in a way it is good that when we miss someone, we subconsciously remember all the good parts of the person in our life, forgetting the bad. I guess that's why time is a good remedy for forgiveness because people tend to end up forgetting the bad and be reminded of the good.

Anyway, I don't usually update this platform... but I just feel the need of letting out my emotions since the only person I kind of turn to is (kind of) no longer a part of my life - I get sad sometimes when I think about it, but I know what I needed to do in order to move on to something else, not necessarily someone but I could put my focus on something that reaps better fruits for myself.

Maybe I'm just tired of putting everyone close to me in my life before me. Sometimes I thought of being selfish and just not be there for anyone, just focus on my own life, my future. But I just cannot bring myself to do it. I don't know how everyone around me seem to be able to do that and yet I can't.

Why did I cause myself THIS amount of misery?
Probably because I experienced what it was like to feel broken and unwanted which makes me fall for the ones who are broken or complicated because I want them to know that they're not alone, that they can be happy. But then again, you can't save people who don't want to be saved, we'd only end up falling into the endless pit ourselves with them.

 save yourself cheryl


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