hey there >///<

Sunday, December 11, 2016 | 0 comments
hello reader(s), to whoever who reads my blog actually, I didn't think anyone would till I saw the stats of this blog. haha ok I know I linked it on my twitter account bio but I'm just surprise that anyone would read it.  (or the stats could just be me clicking on the link myself to proof read ._. )

I just got back from Zoukout last night and it was pretty good towards the end. Plus my friends and I decided to just have a can of beer to survive the night. Moreover, I'm not a huge fan of drinking to get drunk. Don't like the idea of getting intoxicated at a "music festival" sort of.

Anyway it was pretty hectic cause we ended up losing mel and joining Jingyu w his model agency's friends but they were all really nice!! And I finally saw fireworks up close and personal which was amazing! I think that was pretty much the highlight of my night *u*

on the side note, I plan to be alone for a long while like not be with anyone or be reliant to anyone, I want to know more about myself, and learn to love myself for this upcoming 2017.

Thank you to every living person who managed to trespassed my life aka personal territory, you all had left a memorable mark in my heart in 2016. Regardless of good or bad.

20 more days to 2017 and I just can't wait!


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