hey there >///<

Friday, December 9, 2016 | 0 comments
Another one of those word vomit.

I've come to realise that certain things in life you don't have to have an answer, and sometimes it is just best to leave things as it is, any more questions might just turn the whole situation sour.

With 2016 coming to an end, I've learned that when people want to do something for you, want to tell you something, to be there for you, they would because they will make a conscious effort to. Their "want" drives them to do it. As simple as that.

When you give yourself reasons to not complete a certain task or to not do a certain act, you know you don't really enjoy doing it.

And the same goes to people and relationships, you like someone enough to sacrifice your time, sacrifice your effort without expecting returns and you willingly take a gamble.
You'd be willing to. Trust me.

But the moment you start to question and reason out with yourself on "why am I doing this?" "I can't afford to take another risk" and that's when you know you just didn't like him/her that much.
And that's ok because cliché as it sounds, Love comes knocking on your door when you least expect it to arrive. :-)

Happy Saturdaaaaay wew.


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