hey there >///<

fighting flames
Wednesday, December 14, 2016 | 0 comments
"hey cupid, have better aiming skills next time" 

 I keep forgetting what happens when you play with fire - you get burnt and you get hurt in the end.

How do one feel so much in such a short period of time?
You can't just stir up my senses and leave.
You may call me an idiot or just me being foolish for getting my heart broken.
But I know one thing's for sure, I'd die with no regrets because I gave my best shot. 

I lost sight of all the good in other boys because all I could see was you. 

But thank you. 
I genuinely hope that you will find someone important enough for you to give one day 
and you will eventually find the joy in giving through her. 

ok, brb now I gotta learn how to kill feelings :c


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