hey there >///<

the more i thought the more i felt like crying
Thursday, February 19, 2015 | 0 comments

Chinese New Year Day 1 ^_^

It was tiring today... the fact that I went to four places from 11am till 11pm..
At least I got to eat yummy cny goodies... I guess that made up all the going around and all. 
I am sort of looking forward for tomorrow though because I'm going to two places where the people there are the people I always hung out with even when it isn't chinese new year. 

Off to meet my bff, the legitimate one.
As well as my cousins (although I just met them today as well)
and I am still thinking of what to wear urgh!!!
Black dress??? u_u 

I'm super excited over the online store that Yuening and I are gonna launch 
cause I think the clothes we are going to sell are super nice?? 
plus it is all damn cheap!!! I am so happy :')

Kind of really want a room like this in future. 
Watching the sunset would be nice every evening after a long day of work. :')

it's hard to fall asleep every night not knowing what the future lies ahead of me...
I kind of feel like I am wasting my life away like this. 
Completing submissions for the sake of submissions
Doing things for the sake of doing it.

Maybe I should just sit down and think about what I can do
or rather what should I do with my life~

And perhaps set goals and make mini milestones every now and then. 
Every mini accomplishment I make will lead to a step closer to my ultimate goal. 
I should get started. 


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