hey there >///<

rather be
Sunday, February 15, 2015 | 0 comments
So some scary shit happened last night at like 2 am in my bedroom... the balloon ningz gave me started spinning by itself then when I turn to look at it it stopped. Perhaps I was too tired?? but it was quite scary, I literally stoned and stared at the balloon for a good 10 minutes before I decided I was really too tired and I went to bed.
I guess I was too tired that my eyes started playing tricks to me.

Just submitted 2 CAs today ^_^~
So I am left with video and HMB which is also a video.
But at the very least I am glad I have already started on it! :)

There are times I would ask myself, “Why can’t I have what they have?”
They seem to have it all figured out and they do it so effortlessly. I hate how I always give up halfway and not being consistent. I acknowledge my wrongdoings but I just can't change it. I give up not trying to give up half way. I'm tired of being this way... I am tired of making excuses for myself.


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