hey there >///<

Thursday, December 29, 2016 | 0 comments
I've been reading a lot of random articles on thought catalog* which made me feel compelled to blog and jot down my raging emotions and thoughts.
*Special thanks to my friend Terence who kept brainwashing me with the "how to get over a person" article! 

I've always felt that the reasons which can make someone want to leave you are usually selfish. 
Selfish in a way, they put themselves first, they may claim that they want you to be "happy" without them, but at the end of the day they leave you to search for their own happiness.

To keep it simple, they couldn't find the happiness that they wanted with you.
So whatever the reason is, it'll all end up revolving around themselves.
"I'm tired"
"I can't do this anymore"
"This isn't working out for me"
(I mean I am also guilty of doing the above, like even up to now I still do tend to be selfish)

I mean, if you are actually happy with someone, why would you even choose to leave mirite?
So if you are just doing something because of yourself, 

Stop saying that "I am doing it for her" or "It's the best for her"
 or "I don't want to waste her time on me". 

You don't even need to say that I want someone else. Just say he/she just isn't the one.
Because by showing your "considerate" side to someone, It is just going to send all the wrong signals.

A: "I don't want you to waste your time on me"
B: "But you're worth my time."

So if you just want to give him/her up, just say it explicitly, don't ever sugarcoat your words when it comes to making a closure in relationships/friendships, it's just unnecessary and gives all the wrong signs to the other party. Be considerate and just let him/her know you're just done.

phew ok i'm done. Thank you for reading thus far. Good night! Have a happy new year.
To anyone who actually still reads my blog :')


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