hey there >///<

I'll follow you home
Sunday, November 13, 2016 | 0 comments
And they tell you that you're lucky. 
But you're so confused, 
Cause you don't feel pretty, you just feel used.

12 more days to pay day and that means I have been working for 2 months now.
After pay day that would represent another 30 days to Xmas and I love Christmas!
And after Christmas, another 17 more days to end of internship and hello to the holidays ^_^

There will always be people you forget to remember and people that you have to remember to forget.
Self reminder: You do not need toxic people in your life.

"When I met you, everything started to change. Your eyes started to become my favorite color and the smell on your shirt made me feel safe and your arms became my home."
- short poems I found on tumblr that are relatable


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