hey there >///<

Tuesday, November 29, 2016 | 0 comments
Everything has been falling apart in my life lately and it kinda sucks when people tend to just disregard my feelings despite knowing it. But all's well. I guess people have problems of their own to handle and wouldn't want to be too involved in mine. I understand.

on the side note:
Let's talk about something happy -
1. I went on an online shopping frenzy and got myself like five items from tobi just because it was black friday. (I didn't really put that into my savings plan for this month so um there goes my budget) But it's okay, I am happy with my loots. Just give them to me in two weeks time please, Tobi.

2. I love Christmas, and yes it is coming in like 26 days?? I love love love Christmas, I think I just said that the second time but yeah, just want to emphasize on how much I LOVE IT. And can't wait to get all 'em gifts for my family, dearest friends and loved ones. :-) I can truly understand the joy of giving. It's just so blissful to see people opening up their gifts from you and thanking you profusely. I think that's one of the beauties(?) of this festive season.

3. The end of november marks another month done for internship which means I'm ending intern in about 3 months time. That's something to celebrate :-)

4. I think I'm falling in love. That warm fuzzy feeling I felt a year back is back. I don't know if this is something to be happy about but hey oh wells :-)


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