hey there >///<

word vomit
Monday, November 23, 2015 | 0 comments
I feel late night thoughts can be quite dark and scary sometimes. hmm, most of the time.

The thought of how my future might turn out - scares me.
I don't want to be working a 9 - 5 job that I hate. I don't want to remain at a spot and not ever changing. I want to be constantly changing, I don't want a mundane life. I want a life that I am proud of.
I want to be able to share amazing stories about my life. Not being bitter and miserable about it. Not complaining about how mundane it is or how it is a constant like how it is right now.

It scares me to think about how high the possibility is, that I would be just be a nobody, my life would be so uninteresting, how I will just be living such an ordinary life. Such thoughts are dark and scary to me. What can I do.


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