hey there >///<

Wednesday, February 11, 2015 | 0 comments
Finally having time to sit down and update this tiny space of mine because this past week was tiring... I feel mentally drained. 

To think I am actually gonna work full for the first time on Valentines' Day. 
I mean tell me, how bad can this even get... 

Well, at least I'm glad to spend my Sunday with my aunt to celebrate her birthday ^_^~ 
Looking forward to it. 

Bowen and Yuening both came to my house today~
We decided to bring my bikes out and ride it around my estate. Yeap. 
That was our cardio ._.

Yuening, being so happy over her twister fries and her sushi!!!
After getting her wallet. 
sort of regretted cutting bangs T^T
but i guess it'll grow out eventually!

I feel like something is missing in my life, among all the crazy submissions before Chinese New Year. I guess it could be cheer since it became a major part of my life ever since May 2014. Not being able to stunt as often really suck :( I just hope I am working hard enough this year. 
I really hope I am. I really hope hard work will eventually beat talent... I am only afraid my hard work is not hard enough...

On the bright side, I am kinda happy how my parents are learning to understand me more, making me able to voice out my feelings about many things to them. I really enjoy how I can easily tell them anything under the sun. I guess that is something to be happy about ^_^


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