hey there >///<

Friday, December 26, 2014 | 0 comments
I don't know who reads my blog but I just want to make this a wordy blogpost. For me to talk about my feelings. A place for me to talk about MY own thoughts, feelings and emotions.

Unrequited crush on someone is really difficult and the struggle is very real. I'm just tired of trying to put in so much effort in the conversations. I feel like giving up so many times. I mean if you are so uninterested in talking to me, at least just leave the conversation. Stop talking. Make the conversation end there with a "good night" or something. You don't have to continue it.
It is making me feel like you are just trying to not hurt me.
I feel insulted, as if like you're pitying me.

Close Friend. Be there or be square.
Truth be told, you are a close friend to me.
So trust me when I say I'll try my best to be there for you. Even if you say you won't for me because I failed to be there for you the first time.

It is funny how everyone tries so hard to fit in.
They want to be accepted, They try to using so many various means.
But then again, who don't want to fit in? I know I do.
But I would never go to the extent to pretend to be someone I am not just to fit in.
If the piece doesn't fit, I am sure somewhere else, it would :)
Some comfort paragraph for me :(


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