hey there >///<

sucks to be me
Wednesday, October 22, 2014 | 0 comments
Happy moments don't last long..

Some comfort food this past two days :'))

being retarded la taking photos with the camera -_-


Learn about shooting yesterday and realised how much i missed my gang~

Note to self: Stop having a weak mindset and prove yourself wrong..
You can do this, cherry..
at this rate you are gonna bring the whole team down. 
Fight and do not give up.
I can do this. 

I'm just so disappointed in certain people... It seems like there is no one I can genuinely trust..
I don't even know who to trust,who to not trust anymore.
Quit being so gullible. It pisses me off when I believe in people so easily. 

Just have to press on and believe in myself and don't give up. 
Stop giving up.

This week has been a hell of a roller coaster ride, I just hope I'll gain so much more from this trip..
I truly deserve this break. 



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