hey there >///<

holidays ended
Monday, October 20, 2014 | 0 comments

go away.
(p/s: that girl's selfie is vernice, not me)

 Working for gumtree for the last weekend of the holidays

with my lovely girls ^_^

KOP photos from amanda's blog~~

And... after work we surprised mandy~

The surprise almost backfired because we were suppose to reach the place at 7:30pm
But benny,ernest, km, herman and dion were super late :(

So we had to drag time and brought her to see some pets at the pet store then to eat waffles.

At the pet store~

Cute cat ^_^
Mandy wanted to make a parody of winson's video... but we didn't do it in the end. 
HAHAHA cause we all too lazy to follow the cat around.

At wafflelicious~
The waffles were actually really good :D

So after dragging time we made our way to mookata..........

The funniest part is when we were making our way to the restaurant,
 mandy actually saw ernest and benny outside the restaurant, 
and she was like "isn't that benny and ernest????"
omg we had to pretend we didn't hear her to make her forget about it D:

And I almost exposed myself telling her i'm meeting benny later 
then she was like "huh?!?!?"
Then I made up some lie saying I meeting him after the dinner 
(hahaha, but she was still surprised so yay!!)

Her (early) birthday surprise ^_^

mookata was really nice~~ 
I had so much food ^_^

Didn't take photo of the icecream kell and I ate.. 
but it was peppermint brownie from salted caramel

first day of school and we got a coupon for free fries ^_^

monday blues.

Finally met my pengyoumen~~
Daryl, Lucas, Mel, Mandy and Regine.
Missed them so much >_<~
They make mondays feel much better

On the side note I'm flying off to Osaka on Thursday
Counting down to 3 more days ^_^
I honestly can't wait~~

Till next time!!


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