hey there >///<

Tuesday, August 12, 2014 | 0 comments

I probably need a legit boyfriend who understands me and allow me rant to him and then cry on his shoulders for a day............ hahahaha but its ok, i'm independent when it comes to emotional problems... I don't really like to share my really personal thoughts to anyone... so if I do... I really trust you to handle em with care. 
the list of people I really trust.

School has been alright except mel and I would have to reshoot for our vpdp cause there weren't enough scenes T^T which really sucks... on the bright side, I really miss rourou and xuanxuan. 
They are such cutiepies!!~

Exam week - which means no cheer for me and a break I always needed......

Oh and... I want to live in New York City........ where everybody is having their own hectic and busy life to care for that they wouldn't bother about yours... I'd like that.


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