hey there >///<

July ends......
Saturday, August 9, 2014 | 0 comments

 time check: 6:54pm, 9 August, Saturday :D 

~ Almost done with vpdp!!! Hopefully it gets approved u_u~~


studying with her just now!!!!

drawing ribbons!!!!!

During filming

Looking forward to weekends because of my friends right now~~~ 
AND youtube videos and all >_< 

I skipped cheer to sstudy for my test next week but it was so unproductive...
I just went back to sleep u_u  

It's really nerve wrecking when you want to kill/beat up someone but at the same time you just wanna hug the person and cry in her/his arms.  T^T Life sucks............
Like can I not feel this way it is so fucking annoying, I wanna punch myself in the face to wake up my idea please. 
Wish you never appeared in my life cause right now I wanna fucking stab you in your tummy and then cry and regret.... but i also don't wanna do that. So ironic and annoying i wanna sleep that thought away...

Can someone tell me what to do T^T??????~~~~


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