hey there >///<

the past week
Saturday, June 7, 2014 | 0 comments

hello there~ i just edited my blog and all. although i met with some problems cause i couldn't like see the blogskins html i downloaded zzz which pissed me off, considering the fact i stayed home cause of my fever. now i'm alright.

tomorrow: i'm meeting claudia like finally i missed her so much. 

~ the past week: Monday ~ 

matching colours with the royal family ^u^

got closer to elvis and danny and mandy this week, i dont even know how was the clique formed like it was so so weird and random. they are all really lovely, they make me look forward to gusto even more. 

well and like a bird landed like right outside the window where i was seated, i took like 10 over photos of it, but this one turned out the nicest.  such a cutie pie ~ it looks very different from the usual birds as well. 

~ the past week: tuesday ~

we had vpdp class and lucas was being funny again hahaha

there wasn't anything much on tuesday.. except oh right i met up with amelia, she is really lovely as well. i enjoyed my time with her. she is so so nice to talk to :-)

~ the past week: wednesday ~

First group presentation for HMB, i was so so so nervous. have to thank some of my friends for calming me down. or else i think i might die. 

~ past week: thursday ~

Oh righhhht, did i mention how muuuuuch i love caramel ribbon crunch??? it is just so caramel-ish, although like most of friends hate it except the few with like a sweet tooth like me. i really like it ~ i think it is now my favourite drink, definitely ~ ^w^

and i finally got to drink it with melly cause of the one for one thing that was going on for the caramel ribbon crunch. Oh and plus it was during MST so there was literally no queue at all. :-)

~ the past week: friday ~

i had my first CA individual presentation, hopefully i did well. i want an A :-( but i don't think i'll get it because i think my teacher is not very fond of me now. that is pretty saddening. I think mine was quite interesting though, i mean i was the only one with the restaurant right?? ok maybe not....

oh and i came home with this random bruise on my ankle, which got bigger this morning. tell me if this is suppose to be alright :-( ahaha and i got that from cheerleading cause while coming down from toss hand i stepped on my ankle..... 

after dinner with the seniors while we tried to head back home.... this happened.

not to forget elvis's cheeky face during dinner. eee

oh and some exciting news, my dad just bought tickets for me and my mum to go to osaka and tokyo
!!! ~_~  
i can strike another country off from my list ^u^ ~


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