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update on my life
Wednesday, May 20, 2015 | 0 comments

A little update list here: 

1. Finally got some time out to update this little space of mine 
2. Bowen got into an accident while playing basketball, hence the photos^
3. Life has been having its ups and its downs, mostly ups. 
4. Taylor Swift is my source of comfort again. hehe
5. Chinese songs as well.

6. It is 1:52 am and I have 8 am class the next day. 
7. Life sucks sometimes, but I know I will learn how to make the best out of it soon ^_^
8. I'm still me, except I learn to keep things to myself and not share it to everyone. 
9. Goals for myself is to hit hands hands, heel stretch double down by charms. 
10. Hope to hit a X-Out full, If I can :( by end of this year. 


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