hey there >///<

Sunday, January 4, 2015 | 0 comments

its nice and heartwarming to know I'll always have you by my side. 

I guess I am really bad at conveying my thoughts and feelings. 
I don't openly tell people my feelings. 

I'm not a straightforward person. 
I beat around the bush. 
I hesitate. 
I fear rejection.

I guess that's why I'm easily impressed by the person 
when he/she can just openly talk about their feelings for someone. 
Or when someone can just utter their disgust over another person upfront. 
I applaud them for their courage. 
I wish I have that in me. 

Don't get me wrong. I am not pretending to be someone I'm not. 
I am being myself. 
I just don't express any sort of feelings for anyone.
(Except inanimate objects like totoro~)
I'm just appalled by their courage of expressing it so openly.

Maybe someday I can be like them. 

But for now, I'll just watch in awe as they voice out their feelings while I hide in my shell.


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