hey there >///<

if you don't give a fuck then they can't hurt you.
Saturday, December 13, 2014 | 0 comments
I want an all black chuck taylors omg it's so pretty??
Training is going to fall on mon, tues, thurs, friday and sunday. 
it's gonna be intense but I guess I can do it ^_^

really missing osaka right now...
Just want to fly there back to Japan. 
Probably my comfort zone there T_T

Feeling a little fancy that day so i curled my hair in with my straightener.

hi pat, if you're reading this, just wanna tell you to cheer up 
love you from jupiter and back 

 A true friend is someone who never gets tired of 
listening to your pointless dramas over and over again. 

I am genuinely happy and contented that I have this group of secondary friends with me.

Patricia, Zhixin and Vernice
We are all so different.
But like the different things that made up a salad. 
I guess, we all go well together :)

I like how as much as I try my best to not make them worry about me since I'm always the "bimbotic" one in their eyes, they always seem to know something is wrong and would ask around or force it out from me. 
I think I'm really blessed to have them in my life. 

Sorry for being a lousy friend or being insensitive sometimes :'( 
I'm trying my best to be a better friend

This would be the first time I would say this to a person, but i'm saying this to my 3 best girl friends.
I want you guys in my life forever. I would not exchange you guys for anything. 

I have always wanted people to trust me, despite hearing another side of the story. 
I wanted them to know and understand who I really am. 
Not through the stuff they heard about me or thought they knew about me.
I guess life is not a wish granting machine. 
You don't always get what you want. 

So if you don't give a fuck, then they can't hurt you. 
So they won't hurt me. 


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