hey there >///<

magic madness heaven sin
Sunday, November 9, 2014 | 0 comments
always thought lightning is really pretty :')

wished i could go back to japan...
I don't know what am I going to do in life...
advertising?? journalism??
i don't know. 
I'm at this confused phase of my life.

All i wish for right now is to 
Sit down have a cup of tea
 Think and settle on what i want to do in the future.

But I don't have the time and energy to even do that.

I feel like a disappointment to myself...
I came in wanting to do well 
but i have so many commitments I feel suffocated and confused and overwhelmed.
And i don't want to give up any of it...

I want to pull my grades up so badly but it is so difficult when you want to fall asleep in class everytime you try to pay attention. urgh. 

I have to buck up so badly T_T 
I need to do well.....

glad to have her in my life since sec 3


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