hey there >///<

it is gonna be alright
Saturday, November 22, 2014 | 0 comments
stressed out.

(past 2 weeks)

met zhixin but she is too tall 

crazy fish n co 
never going there to eat again unless im craving for fish n chips 
and that will be my only meal that day


 I just love them. 
They are my comfort zone. 
Where I can be myself. 
Where I don't have to worry that I'm not spending enough time with them.
Where I know they'll always understand my situation. 
Stand on my side regardless.
thanks for being my friend although im such a shitty person. 


comfort food for studying :)

I just wish I can have the best of both worlds sometimes.

Why can't people understand me and my situation...
Why is it when I am nice to someone, they'll just take me for granted...
They'll just expect me to be consistently nice. 
Or my definition of nice is different from theirs. 
when I put in the effort, nobody sees it.. I don't understand. 
I don't get it. 

Isn't it a human nature thing for everyone to be nice? 
But why is everyone around me suddenly becoming so different?

Why do people expect something in return when they treat their friend especially nice...
I don't expect anything in return..
I just want people who can understand and stand in my shoes.

Maybe the problem lies on me. 
I don't even know what to do anymore. 


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