hey there >///<

forget shit and move on
Monday, September 29, 2014 | 0 comments

anime is my lyfe right now... 

&this is me

just because i don't fight back doesn't mean i'm weak...
I'm quite tired of pleasing everyone. 
When can I start to please myself instead???

Happy things to look forward to: 

1. Going to Halloween Horror Night @ USS 
!!!my horror dream coming true!!1! 
(p/s if you know me well you will know im a horror movie junkie)

2. Going to Japan, Osaka for 8 days ^_^~~ 
I can't wait for sushi and ramen all day err day 
not to forget Japanese sweets hehe

3. School is reopening, I miss melly, regine, daryl and lucas so much!!!!  
(exclude mandy cause i see her like at least 2x a week!!!)

4. ... i havent figured that out. I guess i'll add on soon!

On the side note: I'm quite excited for the matcha flavour coming out at JEM SOGURT!! 
(>_<) that is also something happy to look forward to!!



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