hey there >///<

what about angels?
Saturday, July 12, 2014 | 0 comments
my love for red velvet waffles *u*


Went to church service last Sunday... 
&Darren left for Aussie....

Managed to see him off on thursday tho ^_^ 
...but skipped my imca class because of that as well...

Finally wore my maxi dress after so long???


Tuesday night after cheer~~ 
Train ride with kell and mandy ^_^

i forgot when was this taken.... 
it was on the taxi with melly daryl and melly's ah ma :p

This week was actually pretty good ~~ ^_^

On friiiiiday, I had a one to one train ride to school with melly and sigh, i'm always so burden to her, like i think all my train buddies are like my sisters T^T 
e.g. Kell&Melly hiakhiak 

Ok, so apparently i tried to poke my straw into the koi I bought for the train ride, and i poked too hard and everything splashed out and the tea went all over the ends of my hair, my face and a lot of em went on my bag as well. 

At first after seeing me like that, melly was like "don't look at me hor, i no tissue:-(" after awhile she suddenly gave a sigh, "haiz", and lend me her towel that she needed for training. 

So much loveeeeee for her <3 <3 <3 ~ 
thank you melly:p I owe you one!!!!


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