hey there >///<

out of touch
Sunday, July 6, 2014 | 0 comments
July ~ 
The month i turn 17. 

Week 1one

~ School is great so far, I got a distinction, and two Bplus! Another test coming up very soon now, this coming thursday... and I haven't studied. Just so lazy to do it T^T

* And i'm suppose to submit my part of the work to Jasmin by 6pm and it is already 5pm..... 
Can I have like an anti procrastination pill??? :-( 
Procrastination is becoming a really bad habit of mine right now... 
Ok, after this blog post I'm so going to do it. hurhur 

~ Glad I made time to go to church this week, I feel refreshed and recharged everytime I go there ^_^

* Really happy to celebrate my birthday with my poly friends, so touched when even my gusto clan bought a cake for me all... I was really surprised omg. 
Also, although i knew i was gonna be bashed T^T I still had fun with my cool cass kiddos, love them to Jupiter and back <3 <3 <3

~ I got the body shop perfume, body lotion and body soap I wanted from them!! so happy ^_^ 
it smells heavenly~~

* On the downside, it feels like the more i do stunts the more i feel like i suck...
zzz get your shit tgt, cher, pls.

~ And Darren is leaving for Aussie T^T Why is everyone around leaving for Aussie one by one....


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